30.06.2022 | Saffet KÜRKÇÜ , Mehmet Emin ERENDOR
Although every positive development in the international system has created various advantages for individuals and states, these positive developments or in other words technological developments can be actively used by terrorist organizations and may cause negative consequences for both individuals and states. The main purpose of this study is to make an analysis of the PKK terrorist organization by evaluating the purposes of the new environment of terrorist organizations with the development of the Internet. It is difficult to say that an organization that continues its actions under different names in the process that started with the Syrian civil war, which started with different names, is only carried out within the scope of traditional terrorist activities. For this reason, the analysis of the cyber activities of the PKK terrorist organization stands out as an important dimension.
Kürkçü, S. ve Erendor, M.E. (2022). Terrorist Actions on Internet and Social Media: PKK Case. Journal of Terrorism and Radicalization Studies, 1(2), pp.367-396, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/trad.13