30.01.2024 | Hatice SÜRURİ
David C. Rapoport explained the course of modern terrorism as of the end of the 19th century, expressing it as four waves and emphasizing that there were cyclical transitions between the waves. By explaining the strategies, ideologies and goals of terrorist organizations in his model, Rapoport (2012) advocated the construction of the fifth wave of terrorism in the first part of the 21st century, and addresses the characteristics of the fifth wave, technological, sustainable globalization, jihadist and systematic features. Jeffrey Simon defines the Fifth Wave with an alternative theory, stating that a pure terrorism ideology is not possible, but is most effective in the technological "Fifth Wave". According to Simon, although technology is not dominant for the fifth wave, the main instrument that can mobilize the masses in the amount of individuals, society and state will be internet technologies, which cause the distribution of items to deteriorate with digitalization. The technological wave marks a new era of terrorism in which terrorist acts are carried out through sub-state distribution or internet technologies within the information ecosystem of terrorism. In this age of digital space action, where asymmetric and hybrid threat factors are a factor, new media poses a threat to states with its structure open to interference. In the study, the threats of digital terrorism to states at national and international levels in the fifth proliferation of terrorism will be explained in detail.
Süruri, H. (2024). Technological Wave and Digital Terrorism on The Axis of the Fifth Wave of Terrorism. Journal of Terrorism and Radicalization Studies, 3(1), pp.69-95, DOI: 10.61314/traddergi.1406946