ISSN 2792-0518 (Print)
ISSN 2822-2334 (Online)

Understanding the Interaction of Migration and Terrorism

30.01.2025 | Cemil KILINÇ


This article draws attention to common mistakes and wrong policies in terms of the relationship between migration and terrorism, emphasizes the need for a healthy interpretation of this relationship, and aims to guide policymakers and contribute to the literature. As a research method, widespread debates in the literature on migration and terrorism have been analyzed, and a healthy view has been tried to be put forward by drawing attention to the misconceptions and political discourses prevailing in the public opinion on the relationship between migration and terrorism. It has been concluded that there is not enough evidence that migration alone causes terrorism. If there is migrant-induced terrorism, the reasons for this should be sought in wrong migration policies and migration conditions. Attempts to establish a direct link between the phenomenon of migration and terrorist incidents mislead the public opinion, which leads to the exclusion of migrants and the risk of radicalization, and that the problem of migration has become more complex with faulty policies. What needs to be done is to evaluate the relationship between migration and terrorism in an environment free from prejudices, racism and xenophobia, to eliminate the structural problems that push migrant individuals towards radicalization and terrorism, and to abandon wrong migration policies.

Key Words

Kılınç, C. (2025). Understanding the Interaction of Migration and Terrorism. Journal of Terrorism and Radicalization Studies, 4(1), pp. 81-109, DOI: 10.61314/traddergi.1520427
